Fires Continue to Ravage the West Coast

Thousands Evacuate as Fires Rage Uncontrolled

Massive fires have destroyed millions of acres of West Coast land, including thousands of acres of crops. Tens of thousands of people have evacuated the areas. Military helicopters undertook a heroic, successful mission to rescue at least 200 citizens. Oroville dam is also in danger. The fires are extremely hot and aggressive, resisting attempts by firefighters to stop them.

Interestingly, Canada has experienced very few fires this year, even though the terrain on their west coast is nearly identical to the US west coast.

Pray for leaders to work wisely for the benefit of affected citizens. Pray for God to protect the innocent people caught in this inferno. Pray for restoration. Pray for God to provide for the righteous. Pray for the safety of those fighting the fires. Pray for cooperation among the evacuees and those helping them. Pray for truth to come to light. Pray for any perpetrators to be brought to justice. Pray for wise use of resources. Pray for people to wake up to the difficult situations ahead. Pray for repentance.
